Authors: Chaniga Vorasarun and Luisa Kroll 05.15.07, 12:00 PM ET
There are thousands of gals out there who are related to billionaires. But only a few of them have the buzz to go with the bling. These modern princesses have become celebrities in their own right, photographed at fashion shows, nightclubs or in the streets, and followed around like movie stars.
So who are the most fabulous of the bunch? We evaluated all the familiar faces to come up with our second annual list of the world's 10 hottest heiresses. To compile our list, we considered the size of their relatives' fortune and their relationship to the billionaire. Daughters, for instance, were given more points than more distant relations. But because this list is more about that buzz than billions, we gave three times more weight to exposure as measured by Google (nasdaq: GOOG - news - people ) hits, mentions in print publications and media transcripts. No surprise that six of the winning women are under the age of 30, seven are single and all of them are attractive.
Video: Meet The 10 Hottest Heiresses