Linda McCartney Never Let Fame Obstruct Her View
It seemed like Brad smelled okay on this picture but now seeing her with Angelina Jolie here and there over there where -he looks durty and stinky!
I hate this bastard and his whore concubine A.J.
Jennifer you better have kids whilst young- you are going to turn 40 soon…so don’t miss that train!
How demented Paul is? Are you really out of your kilter that you are going to bring that whore with you [although she is the mum of your child] but we aren't gonna support you when it comes to your ex -moron slut wife Heather Mills!
Sorry, but we aren't interested in your tour! #%$#^%$&^%&^%&*&^(&)*_(_)(+
fametasticnewsuk-how true is this 'effin news?
Don't tour dude--- retire soon! $&^%&*^*&*(*()*_))+_)
-All that money she promised to give to Charity never exists! At first, I thought she was an angel sent from up above! What an evil woman you are MUCCA!
You are a bad influence to your child! I wonder what will become of her when she grows up finding out your dirty works!-British supermodel Kate Moss has regained her crown at the top of Glamour magazine's annual best-dressed women list, replacing 2007 winner Kylie Minogue who slumped to 19th this year.
Moss, 34, dominated the list before the Australian pop star overtook her, but Minogue's fashion choices during the past 12 months have been too "outlandish" for many voters' tastes, a spokesman for the magazine said.